Saturday, December 15, 2007

Statue of sir Thomas Elder

This is edited photo of the statue of sir Thomas Elder, which stands a plinth with impossible steps. This montage was published in visual essay "The Impossible University" by Steve Leishman and Peter Quigley. Edited images of places at the University of Adelaide (Australia) with impossible figures were published in the essay.

1 comment:

steve leishman said...

Dear Vlad,
As one of the contributors to this project, I am pleased that some of the images of "The Impossible University" have been included in your website. However, I think it would be appropriate that the author of the text for "The Impossible University", Chris Mortensen, be included in the citations. Emeritus Professor Mortensen is not only the director of the project but is a major power behind some of the creative ideas for the images. As scholars we owe the public sound reporting especially of sources so please make the correction.
With our thanks and warm appreciation from my colleagues at the Impossible Images Project,
Steve Leishman